Wednesday, February 17, 2010

December Tarpon still here

With continued warm weather through the first half of December I decided to take another angler from Massachusetts to the Everglades National Park in search of late season Tarpon. We fish the back country where we knew we would find some baby Tarpon and after catching several of those, the situation changed and I could tell the fishing was slowing, possible for the rest of the day. So we headed off to a river system that I have not fished at all this fall in hopes that we would run into good moving water and possibly some more Tarpon willing to feed. It was about 30 seconds after we arrived and shut the motor off that we saw our first adult Tarpon. Within the next 5 minutes we watched as dozens of Tarpon started rolling around the boat. I quickly hoped on the poling platform of the Action Craft 1710 TPS and started poling and as I looked off the bow I could see that there hundreds of Tarpon in just this one spot. I fished that area that day and again on several other days that week, boating loads of Tarpon 50-100 lbs.