got some great photos over the last couple weeks fishing Tarpon in the Everglades National Park.. We have had the opportunity to fish to schools of Tarpon that number in the hundreds and stretched for miles. I have also had the opportunity to target Tarpon from 25-90 lbs. with the fly rod using flies and techniques that have worked well for me over the last 10 years. I have grown very fond of both the spring and fall migrations through the Everglades and I have been able to observe Tarpon behavior patterns in certain areas and predict their movements at these two times of year. In addition the feeding habits and the tides which they feed the most are like the clues to a mystery novel with the Tarpon eating your fly at the end. As is the case with every fishery known to man since the beginning of time, there are still some things we can not control, and with a little luck, the weather cooperates and the fishing gods shine on us from time to time. Some anglers fishing with me over the last couple weeks landed their first Tarpon ever, others landed one of many. This is a lifelong journey and a passionate part of the sport. It is a thrill for me to see these anglers accomplish these goals.